Management Associate Forum 2007

12 05 2007

The pioneering batch (a.k.a. guinea pigs) of Management Associates 2006 from United Overseas Bank were given the opportunity to organize this year’s forum for the potential Management Associate (MA) candidates.


Given merely 3 weeks to come up with an event that will entice the potential MAs to choose UOB was a challenge. 10 heads got together, had some clashes, got shocked from the miscommunication of ballroom choices, emcees and speakers getting all tensed up, but in the end we were thankful that it was all praises.


I personally had a great time running around getting the banner and the layout and the setting of the hotel ready. I definitely felt more energetic organizing the forum compared to my current role at the office. (Kinda makes me wonder where I belong).

All in all, 72 MA candidates, 15 Head of Divisions and 90 UOB staffs showed up to render their support. The assessment tests held on the following day showed that there were definitely slightly more than a handful of very very potential MAs this year. And till we find out who’s the 16 that made the cut, the 10 of us will just watch from the sidebench and nervously bite our nails in preparation for the challenges ahead! 😀

The Potentials


Our panel of Head of Divisions (HODs)


The pioneering batch of MAs 😀



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