I’m Back!

4 02 2008

My last blog entry dates back to 28 October 2007!! Finds it kinda hard to believe how time flies!! It seemed like not long ago that I lost my car. Oh well, 3 months is not that long I guess…

Anyway, lots have happened in that 3 months.

Of course I no longer have a car and will not be buying one anytime soon, at least not this year. I once again feel the inconvenience of living in Malaysia and not having a car. It sure does limit my mobility. And at times like this, I wished I’m living in Singapore.

The reason I won’t be buying a car this year is because I’ll be based in Thailand most of the time. Well, if the project goes on schedule, I’ll be in Thailand about 3/4 of the year or maybe less. Will see how it goes.

Life in Thailand is really great. Apart from being away from my friends and family, I really can’t complain about anything else. The allowances are good, the accommodation is great, the food is fantastic, the people are interesting, the shopping is heavenly (not designer la) but oh I just thought of something I can complain about. The AIR!! It’s just soooo polluted! gosh… long term there will definitely shorten my life hehe…

Anyway, I’m just too lazy to blog these days or months 😛

I basically just upload photos on Facebook as it is really much simpler.
Esther Foong's Facebook profile
Am on a break till Sunday the 10th, on which I’ll be heading back to the Land of Smiles 🙂

Sawadeeka and Laew phob gan mai!